- ureteral stent
- a stent inserted into the ureter to maintain patency in stenosis or in healing after trauma or surgery.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Ureteric stent — Ureteral pigtail stent Three dimensional reconstructed C … Wikipedia
Stent — For people named Stent, see Stent (surname). Stent Intervention MeSH D015607 In the technical vocabulary of medicine, a stent is an artificial tube inserted into a natural passage/conduit in the … Wikipedia
pigtail stent — a ureteral stent with a curl near the end like that of a pig s tail to maintain it in place … Medical dictionary
Kidney stone — Classification and external resources … Wikipedia
Lithotriptor — A lithotriptor is a medical device used in the non invasive treatment of kidney stones (urinary calculosis) and biliary calculi (stones in the gallbladder or in the liver). The scientific name of this procedure is Extracorporeal Shock Wave… … Wikipedia
Ureterocele — El ureterocele es la dilatación quística del uréter distal intravesical (dentro de la vejiga urinaria). Se trata de una malformación congénita de las vías urinarias. Se asocia a un componente genético ya que se han observado algunos casos entre… … Wikipedia Español
ICD-9-CM Volume 3 — is a system of procedural codes. It is a subset of ICD 9 CM (volumes 1 and 2 are used for diagnostic codes.) The United States National Center for Health Statistics drafted ICD 10 PCS in 2000 as a potential replacement for ICD 9 CM Volume 3, but… … Wikipedia
Litotricia extracorpórea por ondas de choque — La litotricia extracorpórea por ondas de choque, LEC, (del griego lithos, piedra y del latín terere, triturar), es un tratamiento no invasivo que utiliza un pulso acústico para romper los cálculos renales (litiasis renal) y los cálculos biliares… … Wikipedia Español
renal system — ▪ anatomy Introduction in humans (human body), organ system that includes the kidneys, where urine is produced, and the ureters, bladder, and urethra for the passage, storage, and voiding of urine. In many respects the human excretory, or… … Universalium
endoureterotomy — en·do·u·re·ter·ot·o·my (en″do u re″tər otґə me) treatment of a ureteral stricture by making an incision in the wall of the stenosed part, exposing periureteral fat; a stent may be put in place during healing … Medical dictionary