- chlorine
- 1. A greenish, toxic, gaseous element; atomic no. 17, atomic wt. 35.4527; a halogen used as a disinfectant and bleaching agent in the form of hypochlorite or of c. water, because of its oxidizing power. One of the bioelements. 2. The molecular form of c. (1), Cl2 (dichloride). [G. chloros, greenish yellow]
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chlo·rine 'klō(ə)r-.ēn, 'klȯ(ə)r-, -ən n a halogen element that is isolated as a heavy greenish yellow gas of pungent odor and is used esp. as a bleach, oxidizing agent, and disinfectant in water purification symbol Cl see ELEMENT (table)* * *
n.an extremely pungent gaseous element with antiseptic and bleaching properties. It is widely used to sterilize drinking water and purify swimming pools. In high concentrations it is toxic; it was used in World War I as a poison gas in the trenches. Symbol: Cl.* * *
chlo·rine (Cl) (klorґēn) [Gr. chlōros green] a yellowish green, gaseous element, of suffocating odor; atomic number 17, atomic weight 35.453, specific gravity 1.56. It is a disinfectant, decolorant, and irritant poison. It is used for disinfecting, fumigating, and bleaching, either in an aqueous solution or in the form of chlorinated lime.
Medical dictionary. 2011.