carbolfuchsin topical solution
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carbolfuchsin — car·bol·fuch·sin .kär (.)bäl fyük sən, (.)bȯl n a mixture of an aqueous solution of phenol and an alcoholic solution of fuchsin used as a stain in microscopy esp. in staining bacteria * * * car·bol·fuch·sin (kahr″bol fūkґsin) basic… … Medical dictionary
Castellani paint — carbolfuchsin topical solution … Medical dictionary
basic fuchsin — [USP] a triphenylmethane dye, a mixture of rosaniline and pararosaniline hydrochlorides and magenta II, used in the form of carbolfuchsin in various stains for acid fast bacteria, as an antifungal agent in carbolfuchsin topical solution, as a… … Medical dictionary