- ethmoid sinuses
- ethmoidal sinuses cellulae ethmoidales.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
ethmoid sinus — also ethmoidal sinus n either of two sinuses each of which is situated in a lateral part of the ethmoid bone alongside the nose and consists of ethmoidal air cells … Medical dictionary
Ethmoid sinus — Bone: Ethmoid sinus Paranasal sinuses … Wikipedia
Ethmoid bone — Bone: Ethmoid bone Cranial bones … Wikipedia
ethmoid sinus — noun Any of several paranasal sinuses enclosed within the ethmoid bone … Wiktionary
Paranasal sinuses — Paranasal sinuses. Lateral projection of the paranasal sinus … Wikipedia
paranasal sinuses — the air filled spaces, lined with mucous membrane, within some of the bones of the skull. They open into the nasal cavity, via the meatuses, and are named according to the bone in which they are situated. They comprise the frontal sinuses and the … Medical dictionary
paranasal sinuses — the air filled spaces, lined with mucous membrane, within some of the bones of the skull. They open into the nasal cavity, via the meatuses, and are named according to the bone in which they are situated. They comprise the frontal sinuses and the … The new mediacal dictionary
Пазухи Носа Придаточные (Paranasal Sinuses) — заполненные воздухом пространства, расположенные в некоторых костях черепа, которые изнутри выстланы слизистой оболочкой; их названия соответствуют тем костям, внутри которых они расположены. Эти пространства открываются в носовую полость через… … Медицинские термины
Orbital lamina of ethmoid bone — Ethmoid bone from the right side. (Lamina papyracea visible at center left.) … Wikipedia
Sinusitis — Classification and external resources Left sided maxillar sinusitis marked by an arrow. Note the absence of the air transparency indicating the presence of fluid in contrast to the other side. ICD 10 … Wikipedia