- covert sensitization
- a form of aversive conditioning in which the frequency of undesirable behavior is lessened by mentally associating it with unpleasant mental images.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Covert conditioning — is an approach to mental health treatment that uses the principles of behavior modification, which emerged from the applied behavior analysis literature to assist people in making improvements in their behavior or inner experience. The method… … Wikipedia
sensitization — Immunization, especially with reference to antigens (immunogens) not associated with infection; the induction of acquired sensitivity or of allergy. autoerythrocyte s. autoerythrocyte s. syndrome. covert s. aversive conditioning or training to… … Medical dictionary
sensitization — n. 1) alteration of the responsiveness of the body to the presence of foreign substances. In the development of an allergy, an individual becomes sensitized to a particular allergen and reaches a state of hypersensitivity. The phenomena of… … The new mediacal dictionary
Скрытая сентизация — (covert sensitization) – в бихевиоризме – терапия преодоления нежелательного поведения, когда оно ассоциируется с субъективно неприятными психическими представлениями … Энциклопедический словарь по психологии и педагогике
Скрытая сенситизация — (covert sensitization) терапия поведения, направленная на исключение нежелательного поведения, когда это поведение сравнивается с неприятными психическими образами … Общая психология: глоссарий
Professional practice of behavior analysis — The professional practice of behavior analysis is the fourth domain of behavior analysis. The other three are behaviorism, experimental analysis of behavior, and applied behavior analysis. [Cooper, et al. p. 20] The professional practice of… … Wikipedia
Sex offender — A sex offender is a person who has been criminally charged and convicted of, or has pled guilty to, or pled Nolo contendere to a sex crime. Crimes requiring mandatory sex offender registration may include child sexual abuse, downloading… … Wikipedia
Terapia de aversión — La terapia de aversión es un tipo de tratamiento psiquiátrico o psicológico que consiste en exponer al paciente a un estímulo al mismo tiempo que se le hace experimentar alguna forma de sensación desagradable. Con ello se intenta condicionar al… … Wikipedia Español
Terapia de reorientación sexual — La terapia de reorientación sexual (también conocida como terapia reparativa o terapia de conversión) se refiere a una serie de métodos enfocados al cambio de la orientación sexual de homosexuales y bisexuales para convertirlos en personas… … Wikipedia Español
Homosexuals Anonymous — Founder(s) Colin Cook, Douglas McIntyre Founded 1980 Location Houston, Texas Key people Douglas McIntyre, N … Wikipedia