- salpingostomatomy
- sal·pin·go·sto·mat·o·my (sal-ping″go-sto-matґə-me) [salpingo- + stoma + -tomy] surgical resection of a portion of the uterine tube, with creation of a new abdominal ostium.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
salpingostomy — /sal ping gos teuh mee/, n., pl. salpingostomies. Surg. the formation of an artificial opening into a Fallopian tube. Also, salpingostomatomy /sal ping goh steuh mat euh mee/. [1890 95; SALPINGO + STOMY] * * * … Universalium
salpingostomatoplasty — sal·pin·go·sto·mato·plas·ty (sal ping″go sto matґo plas″te) salpingostomatomy … Medical dictionary
salpingostomy — /sal ping gos teuh mee/, n., pl. salpingostomies. Surg. the formation of an artificial opening into a Fallopian tube. Also, salpingostomatomy /sal ping goh steuh mat euh mee/. [1890 95; SALPINGO + STOMY] … Useful english dictionary