anterior rhizotomy

anterior rhizotomy
division of the anterior or motor spinal nerve roots.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • rhizotomy — Section of the spinal nerve roots for the relief of pain or spastic paralysis. SYN: radicotomy, radiculectomy. [G. rhiza, root, + tome, section] anterior r …   Medical dictionary

  • rhizotomy — n. a surgical procedure in which selected nerve roots are cut at the point where they emerge from the spinal cord. In posterior rhizotomy the posterior (sensory) nerve roots are cut for the relief of intractable pain in the organs served by these …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • rhizotomy — noun surgical procedure in which spinal nerve roots are cut; done (anterior roots) to relieve intractable pain or (posterior roots) to stop severe muscle spasms • Hypernyms: ↑operation, ↑surgery, ↑surgical operation, ↑surgical procedure,… …   Useful english dictionary

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  • Operation — Although there are many meanings to the word operation , in medicine it refers to a surgical procedure. To put matters more formally, an operation is an act or series of acts performed upon the body with the hand alone or by means of an… …   Medical dictionary

  • Discectomy — Intervention Median sagittal section of two lumbar vertebræ and their ligaments. ( Intervertebral fibrocartilage , an old name for the intervertebral disc, labeled at center left.) ICD 9 CM …   Wikipedia

  • Neuromonitoring — The scientific practice of neuromonitoring takes place in the surgical suite (OR). It aims to 1) reduce the risk to the patient of iatrogenic damage to the nervous system, and/or 2) provide functional guidance to the surgeon. To accomplish this,… …   Wikipedia

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