- H-reflex
- a monosynaptic reflex elicited by stimulating a nerve, particularly the tibial nerve, with an electric shock. See also H wave.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
reflex — [ reflɛks ] adj. et n. m. • 1922; mot angl. ♦ Se dit d un appareil de photo où la visée s effectue par un objectif (si c est le même objectif que pour la prise de vue, l image est renvoyée par un système de prismes). Appareil reflex. N. m. Des… … Encyclopédie Universelle
reflex — REFLÉX, Ă, reflecşi, xe, adj., s.n. I. adj. (fiziol.; despre acte sau mişcări ale organismului) Produs în mod spontan, independent de voinţă. ♢ Act reflex (şi substantivat, n.) = reacţie bruscă şi automată a organismului animal sau uman la o… … Dicționar Român
Reflex (Begriffsklärung) — Reflex (von lat. reflexus, „Rückbeugung, Widerspiegelung“) bezeichnet: Reflex, das Auslösen einer Reaktion durch einen äußeren Reiz ohne Verarbeitung des Reizes im Gehirn Reflex (Software), Computerprogramm von Borland REFLEX Studie, Untersuchung … Deutsch Wikipedia
ReFLEX — is a wireless protocol developed by Motorola which is used for two way paging. The Motorola PageWriter released in 1996 was one of the first devices to use the ReFLEX network protocol.VersionsReFLEX is based on the one way FLEX protocol and… … Wikipedia
Reflex Point — is location of the Invid hive complex inhabited by the Invid Queen Regess in the Robotech animated series, and is also thought to be located upon the ruins of the SDF 1. [ [http://www.robotech.com/infopedia/mecha/viewmecha.php?id=6] ] In the… … Wikipedia
Réflex (vélopartage) — Réflex Situation Chalon sur Saône Type Vélos en libre service Entrée en service 15 décembre 2007 Stations 30 Propriétaire Le Grand Chalon Exploitant Transdev Réseaux connexes … Wikipédia en Français
reflex arc — n the complete nervous path that is involved in a reflex * * * the nervous circuit involved in a reflex, being at its simplest a sensory nerve with a receptor, linked at a synapse in the brain or spinal cord with a motor nerve, which supplies a… … Medical dictionary
Reflex anal dilatation — refers to a clinical marker associated with anal sexual assault in childrencite journal |author=Read NW, Sun WM |title=Reflex anal dilatation: effect of parting the buttocks on anal function in normal subjects and patients with anorectal and… … Wikipedia
Reflex bradycardia — Reflex bradychardia is an abnormal bradycardia (decrease in body pulse rate) in response to certain stimuli. [ [http://www.springerlink.com/content/vp67444567764305/ Reflex bradycardia in out patient surgery done under local anesthesia] Journal… … Wikipedia
Reflex — Reflex, Renting Abierto Saltar a navegación, búsqueda … Wikipedia Español
Reflex — Re flex (r? fl?ks; formerly r?*fl?ks ), n. [L. reflexus a bending back. See {Reflect}.] 1. Reflection; the light reflected from an illuminated surface to one in shade. [1913 Webster] Yon gray is not the morning s eye, Tis but the pale reflex of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English