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portasystemic — var. portosystemic a … Useful english dictionary
portal-systemic encephalopathy — portasystemic encephalopathy, portosystemic encephalopathy (PSE) hepatic e … Medical dictionary
Shunt — 1) To move a body fluid, such as cerebrospinal fluid, from one place to another. 2) A catheter (tube) that carries cerebrospinal fluid from a ventricle in the brain to another area of the body. A shunt may be placed to relieve pressure from… … Medical dictionary
portosystemic — Relating to connections between the portal and systemic venous systems. * * * por·to·sys·tem·ic .pȯr tō sis tem ik adj connecting the hepatic portal system and the venous part of the systemic circulation <management of hypertension in the… … Medical dictionary
hepatic encephalopathy — (portosystemic encephalopathy) a condition in which brain function is impaired by the presence of toxic substances, absorbed from the colon, which are normally removed or detoxified by the liver. It occurs when the liver is severely damaged (as… … Medical dictionary