principal points

principal points
cardinal p's (def. 1).

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • principal plane — n either of the two planes perpendicular to the principal axis and passing through one of the two principal points of an optical system * * * in radiology, the plane which contains the central ray of a radiation beam …   Medical dictionary

  • principal plane — noun : any of the planes perpendicular to the axis and passing through the principal points of an optical system * * * Optics. a plane that is perpendicular to the axis of a lens, mirror, or other optical system and at which rays diverging from a …   Useful english dictionary

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  • principal — principal, ale 1. (prin si pal, pa l ) adj. 1°   Qui est le plus considérable, en parlant de personnes. Les principaux magistrats. •   Quand on bâtit une maison, quoique les maçons, les charpentiers, les plombiers, les menuisiers travaillent bien …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

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  • principal — principal, ale, aux [ prɛ̃sipal, o ] adj. et n. • 1119; « princier » 1080; lat. principalis « principal, du prince », de princeps I ♦ Adj. 1 ♦ Qui est le plus important, le premier parmi plusieurs. ⇒ 1. capital, essentiel, fondamental, primordial …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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