
Instrument by which a continuous graph of the carbon dioxide content of expired air is obtained.

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cap·no·graph 'kap-nō-.graf n a monitoring device that measures the concentration of carbon dioxide in exhaled air and displays a numerical readout and waveform tracing compare capnometer
cap·no·graph·ic .kap-nō-'graf-ik adj
cap·nog·ra·phy kap-'näg-rə-fē n

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cap·no·graph (kapґno-graf″) [capno- + -graph] a system for monitoring the concentration of exhaled carbon dioxide, consisting of a sensor placed in the breathing circuit or a tube that carries part of the exhaled gases to the analyzing device, a mass spectrometer or an infrared spectrometer, and devices to provide continuous visual (cathode ray tube) and graphic (printer) displays.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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