- pancreaticoenterostomy
- pan·cre·at·i·co·en·ter·os·to·my (pan″kre-at″ĭ-ko-en″tər-osґtə-me) surgical anastomosis of the pancreatic duct, or the divided end of the transected pancreas, with the intestine.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
pancreaticoduodenostomy — pan·cre·at·i·co·du·o·de·nos·to·my näs tə mē n, pl mies surgical formation of an artificial opening connecting the pancreas to the duodenum * * * pan·cre·at·i·co·du·o·de·nos·to·my (pan″kre at″ĭ ko doo″o də nosґtə… … Medical dictionary
pancreaticojejunostomy — pan·cre·at·i·co·je·ju·nos·to·my ji .jü näs tə mē, .jej ü n, pl mies surgical formation of an artificial passage connecting the pancreas to the jejunum * * * pan·cre·at·i·co·je·ju·nos·to·my (pan″kre at″ĭ ko jə joo nosґtə … Medical dictionary
pancreatoenterostomy — pan·cre·a·to·en·ter·os·to·my (pan″kre ə to en″tər osґtə me) pancreaticoenterostomy … Medical dictionary