- heavy oxygen
- an isotope of oxygen of atomic weight 18.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
heavy oxygen — sunkusis deguonis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. heavy oxygen vok. schwerer Sauerstoff, m rus. тяжёлый кислород, m pranc. oxygène lourd, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
heavy oxygen — noun : an isotope of oxygen having a mass number greater than 16; especially : oxygen of mass 18 * * * either of the two stable isotopes of oxygen having mass numbers of 17 and 18 … Useful english dictionary
heavy oxygen — either of the two stable isotopes of oxygen having mass numbers of 17 and 18. * * * … Universalium
Heavy water — Not to be confused with hard water or tritiated water. Deuterium oxide IUPAC name … Wikipedia
oxygen — 1. A gaseous element, atomic no. 8, atomic wt. 15.9994 on the basis of 12C = 12.0000; an abundant and widely distributed chemical element, which combines with most of the other elements to form oxides and is essential to animal and plant life … Medical dictionary
heavy — heaviness, n. /hev ee/, adj., heavier, heaviest, n., pl. heavies, adv. adj. 1. of great weight; hard to lift or carry: a heavy load. 2. of great amount, quantity, or size; extremely large; massive: a heavy vote; a heavy snowfall. 3. of great… … Universalium
oxygen-18 — A stable oxygen isotope making up 0.20% of natural oxygen; used in mass spectrometry and in NMR studies of tissue. SYN: heavy oxygen … Medical dictionary
Oxygen (novel) — Oxygen … Wikipedia
Oxygen-18 — Full table General Name, symbol Oxygen 18,18O or Ω Neutrons 10 Protons 8 … Wikipedia
heavy water — n. water composed of heavy isotopes of hydrogen or oxygen, or of both; esp., deuterium oxide, D2O, which is water composed of ordinary oxygen and deuterium … English World dictionary