vestibulocochlear organ
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Vestibulocochlear nerve — Nerve: Vestibulocochlear nerve The course and connections of the facial nerve in the temporal bone … Wikipedia
vestibulocochlear nerve — ▪ anatomy also called Auditory Nerve, Acoustic Nerve, or Eighth Cranial Nerve, nerve in the human ear, serving the organs of equilibrium and of hearing. It consists of two anatomically and functionally distinct parts: the cochlear nerve … Universalium
organ — Any part of the body exercising a specific function, as of respiration, secretion, or digestion. SYN: organum [TA], organon. [L. organum, fr. G. organon, a tool, instrument] accessory organs 1. SYN … Medical dictionary
vestibulocochlear nerve — noun a composite sensory nerve supplying the hair cells of the vestibular organ and the hair cells of the cochlea • Syn: ↑acoustic nerve, ↑auditory nerve, ↑nervus vestibulocochlearis, ↑eighth cranial nerve • Hypernyms: ↑cranial nerve • … Useful english dictionary
organum — SYN: organ, organ. [L. tool, instrument] o. auditus archaic term for vestibulocochlear organ. organa genitalia [TA] SYN: genitalia. organa genitalia feminina externa SYN … Medical dictionary
Bone — is the substance that forms the skeleton of the body. It is composed chiefly of calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate. It also serves as a storage area for calcium, playing a large role in calcium balance in the blood. The 206 bones in the body … Medical dictionary
Bone, temporal — A large irregular bone situated at the base and side of the skull. The temporal bone consists of three parts (squamous, tympanic and petrous) which are distinct at birth but then fuse. The petrous part of the temporal bone contains the… … Medical dictionary
Temporal bone — A large irregular bone situated at the base and side of the skull. The temporal bone consists of three parts (squamous, tympanic and petrous) which are distinct at birth but then fuse. The petrous part of the temporal bone contains the… … Medical dictionary
organum vestibulocochleare — [TA] vestibulocochlear organ: a collective term in official anatomical terminology applied to those structures outside the central nervous system that are concerned with balance and hearing, and comprising the internal, middle, and external ear.… … Medical dictionary
labyrinthine system — the parts of the vestibulocochlear organ concerned with hearing and the maintenance of equilibrium … Medical dictionary