- bulbopontine
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bul·bo·pon·tine (bul″bo-ponґtīn) pertaining to the pons and the region of the medulla oblongata situated caudad to it.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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bul·bo·pon·tine (bul″bo-ponґtīn) pertaining to the pons and the region of the medulla oblongata situated caudad to it.Medical dictionary. 2011.
bulbopontine sulcus — sulcus bulbopontinus [TA] a transverse groove in front and on each side of the pons that demarcates it from the medulla oblongata, which is occupied by the abducent, facial, and vestibulocochlear nerves. Called also medullopontine s … Medical dictionary
Kinderlähmung — Poliomyelitis (fachsprachlich); entzündliche Erkrankung des Rückenmarks; Heine Medin Krankheit; Polio * * * Kin|der|läh|mung [ kɪndɐlɛ:mʊŋ], die; : Infektionskrankheit, die besonders Kinder befällt und schwere Lähmungen hervorrufen kann: sie ließ … Universal-Lexikon