
1. An outgrowth that resembles the b. of a plant, usually pluripotential, and capable of differentiating and growing into a definitive structure. 2. To give rise to such an outgrowth. SEE ALSO: gemmation. 3. A small outgrowth from a parent cell; a form of asexual reproduction.
- bronchial b. one of the outgrowths from the primordial endodermal laryngotracheal tube giving rise to the primary bronchi. See laryngotracheal diverticulum.
- end b. SYN: tail b..
- gustatory b. SYN: taste b..
- limb b. an ectodermally covered mesenchymal outgrowth on the embryonic flank giving rise to either the forelimb or hindlimb.
- liver b. the primordial cellular diverticulum of the embryonic foregut endoderm that gives rise to the parenchyma of the liver.
- lung b. SYN: tracheobronchial diverticulum.
- median tongue b. SYN: tuberculum impar.
- metanephric b. the primordial cellular outgrowth from the mesonephric duct that gives rise to the epithelial lining of the ureter, of the pelvis, and calyces of the kidney, and of the straight collecting tubules. SYN: ureteric b..
- periosteal b. a vascular connective tissue b. from the perichondrium that invades the ossification center of the cartilaginous model of a developing long bone.
- syncytial b. SYN: syncytial knot.
- tail b. the rapidly proliferating mass of cells at the caudal extremity of the embryo; remnant of the primitive node. SYN: end b..
- taste b. one of a number of flask-shaped cell nests located in the epithelium of vallate, fungiform, and foliate papillae of the tongue and also in the soft palate, epiglottis, and posterior wall of the pharynx; it consists of sustentacular, gustatory, and basal cells between which the intragemmal sensory nerve fibers terminate. SYN: caliculus gustatorius, gustatory b., Schwalbe corpuscle, taste bulb, taste corpuscle.
- tooth b. the primordial structures from which a tooth is formed; the enamel organ, the dental papilla, and the dental sac enclosing them.
- ureteric b. SYN: metanephric b..
- vascular b. an endothelial sprout arising from a blood vessel.
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bud 'bəd n
1 a) an asexual reproductive structure
b) a primordium having potentialities for growth and development into a definitive structure <an embryonic limb \bud> <a horn \bud>
2) an anatomical structure (as a tactile corpuscle) resembling a bud
bud vi, bud·ded; bud·ding to reproduce asexually esp. by the pinching off of a small part of the parent

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(bud) 1. a structure on a plant, often round, that encloses an undeveloped flower or leaf. 2. any small part of the embryo or adult metazoon more or less resembling such a plant structure and presumed to have potential for growth and differentiation.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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