- Norwalk gastroenteritis virus
- Nor·walk gastroenteritis, virus (norґwawk) [Norwalk, Ohio, location of the outbreak from which the virus was isolated] see under gastroenteritis and virus.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Norwalk-Like-Virus — Gattung Norovirus Humane Noroviren im TEM nach Negativkontrastierung (Markierung entspr. 50 nm) Systematik Reich: Viren Ordnung … Deutsch Wikipedia
Norwalk-like virus — An extremely common cause of foodborne acute gastroenteritis, usually with more vomiting than diarrhea, that resolves within 2 3 days. Clinical criteria for the diagnosis include: (1) an incubation period of 12 36 hours; (2) an illness… … Medical dictionary
Norwalk gastroenteritis — Norwalk virus gastroenteritis viral gastroenteritis due to infection with a Norwalk virus, one of the most common causes of diarrhea in the United States; the virus is usually ingested in contaminated food or water, although person to person… … Medical dictionary
Norwalk (Ohio) — Norwalk Lage in Ohio Basisdaten Gründung: 1817 Staat … Deutsch Wikipedia
Norwalk-Virus — Humane Noroviren im TEM nach Negativkontrastierung (Markierung entspr. 50 nm) Die Spezies der humanpathogenen Noroviren sind unbehüllte, einzelsträngige RNA Viren mit positiver Polarität aus der Familie Caliciviridae und der gleichnamigen Gattung … Deutsch Wikipedia
Norwalk Virus — Gattung Norovirus Humane Noroviren im TEM nach Negativkontrastierung (Markierung entspr. 50 nm) Systematik Reich: Viren Ordnung … Deutsch Wikipedia
Norwalk virus — A family of small round viruses that are an important cause of viral gastroenteritis (viral inflammation of the stomach and intestines). Norwalk disease is a significant contributor to illness in the US. Only the common cold is reported more… … Medical dictionary
Virus — A microorganism smaller than a bacteria, which cannot grow or reproduce apart from a living cell. A virus invades living cells and uses their chemical machinery to keep itself alive and to replicate itself. It may reproduce with fidelity or with… … Medical dictionary
Gastroenteritis — ► sustantivo femenino MEDICINA Inflamación de las mucosas del estómago y de los intestinos: ■ el agua de la fuente les produjo gastroenteritis. IRREG. plural gastroenteritis * * * gastroenteritis (de «gastro » y «enteritis») f. Med. Inflamación… … Enciclopedia Universal
Gastroenteritis — Inflammation of the stomach and the intestines. Can cause nausea and vomiting and/or diarrhea. Gastroenteritis has numerous causes * * * Inflammation of the mucous membrane of both stomach and intestine. SYN: enterogastritis. [gastro + G. enteron … Medical dictionary