- break
- Separation into parts.- double-strand b. a b. in double-stranded DNA in which both strands have been cleaved; however, the two strands have not separated from each other.- single-strand b. a b. in double-stranded DNA in which only one of the two strands has been cleaved; both strands have not separated from each other.
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1 a) to snap into pieces: FRACTURE <\break a bone>b) to fracture the bone of (a bodily part) <the blow broke her arm>c) to dislocate or dislocate and fracture a bone of (the neck or back)2 a) to cause an open wound in: RUPTURE <\break the skin>b) to rupture the surface of and permit flowing out or effusing <\break an artery> <he broke several veins during his seizure> vi2) to suffer complete or marked loss of resistance, composure, resolution, morale, or command of a situation often used with down <the prisoner broke down under interrogation and told the whole story>break n1 a) an act or action of breaking: FRACTUREb) the act of opening a gap in an electrical circuit2 a) a condition produced by breaking <the \break in her leg>b) a gap in an otherwise continuous electric circuit3) the occurrence of a disease in a person or esp. in a domestic animal supposed to be immune to or to have been completely isolated from exposure to that disease* * *
(brāk) 1. to interrupt the continuity, or an interruption in the continuity of a structure, especially a bone. See fracture. 2. the interruption of an electric circuit, as distinguished from the make.
Medical dictionary. 2011.