- paracarcinomatous myelopathy
- paraneoplastic myelopathy carcinomatous m.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
myelopathy — 1. Disorder of the spinal cord. 2. A disease of the myelopoietic tissues. [myelo + G. pathos, suffering] carcinomatous m. degeneration or necrosis of the spinal cord associated with a … Medical dictionary
carcinomatous myelopathy — a rapidly progressive, paraneoplastic myelopathy, most often associated with carcinoma of the lung, but also seen with other carcinomas. It is characterized by a rapidly developing myelopathic syndrome due to necrosis of both the gray and white… … Medical dictionary
encephalomyelopathy — Any disease of both brain and spinal cord. [G. enkephalos, brain, + myelon, marrow, + pathos, suffering] carcinomatous e. SYN: paraneoplastic e.. epidemic myalgic e. a disease superficially resembling poliomyelitis … Medical dictionary