regenerative medicine — UK US noun [uncountable] medical treatment that involves repairing or replacing organs and other body parts by using advanced materials and methods such as cloning Thesaurus: medical and health treatmentshyponym … Useful english dictionary
regenerative medicine — noun Medicine that replaces or regenerates human cells, tissue or organs, to restore or establish normal function … Wiktionary
regenerative medicine — /rəˌdʒɛnərətɪv ˈmɛdəsən/ (say ruh.jenuhruhtiv meduhsuhn) noun medicine which aims to re establish damaged or diseased organs or tissues by such means as tissue engineering, stem cell therapy, etc …
regenerative medicine — UK / US noun [uncountable] medical treatment that involves repairing or replacing organs and other body parts by using advanced materials and methods such as cloning … English dictionary
National Center for Regenerative Medicine — Industry Medical research Founded Cleveland, Ohio, United States (2004) Founder(s) Case Western University, Cleveland Clinic, University Hospitals Case Medical Center Headquarters … Wikipedia
Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute — The Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute (ARMI) is a $153 million dollar medical research centre which will open in 2008. [ [ Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute ARMI ] ] It will be based… … Wikipedia
The Regenerative Medicine Institute — (REMEDI), was established in 2003 as a Centre for Science, Technology Engineering in collaboration with National University of Ireland, Galway. It obtained an award of €14.9 million from Science Foundation Ireland over five years.It conducts… … Wikipedia
Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine — is a research institute affiliated with Wake Forest University and located at Winston Salem, North Carolina, United States. Regenerative medicine is a practice that aims to refurbish diseased or damaged tissue using the body s own healthy cells.… … Wikipedia
McEwen Centre for Regenerative Medicine — The McEwen Centre for Regenerative Medicine was established at University Health Network in Toronto in 2003, with a donation from Rob and Cheryl McEwen, which they matched in 2006 with a second donation. The McEwen Centre’s vision is to be a… … Wikipedia
California Institute for Regenerative Medicine — The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) was created by California s Proposition 71 (2004), which authorized it to issue $3 billion in grants, funded by bonds, over ten years for embryonic stem cell and other biomedical research … Wikipedia