Evidence-based medicine — (EBM) aims to apply evidence gained from the scientific method to certain parts of medical practice. It seeks to assess the quality of evidencecite journal |author=Elstein AS |title=On the origins and development of evidence based medicine and… … Wikipedia
Evidence-Based Medicine — Evidenzbasierte Medizin (EbM, von englisch evidence based medicine „auf Beweismaterial gestützte Heilkunde“) ist eine Richtung in der Medizin, die fordert, dass bei jeder medizinischen Behandlung patientenorientierte Entscheidungen ausdrücklich… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Evidence Based Medicine — Evidenzbasierte Medizin (EbM, von englisch evidence based medicine „auf Beweismaterial gestützte Heilkunde“) ist eine Richtung in der Medizin, die fordert, dass bei jeder medizinischen Behandlung patientenorientierte Entscheidungen ausdrücklich… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Evidence Based Medicine — Médecine fondée sur les faits La médecine fondée sur les faits se définit comme « l utilisation rigoureuse et judicieuse des meilleures données disponibles lors de prise de décisions concernant les soins à prodiguer à des patients… … Wikipédia en Français
Evidence based medicine — Médecine fondée sur les faits La médecine fondée sur les faits se définit comme « l utilisation rigoureuse et judicieuse des meilleures données disponibles lors de prise de décisions concernant les soins à prodiguer à des patients… … Wikipédia en Français
evidence-based medicine — noun Health care whose policies and practices are derived from the systematic, scientific study of the effectiveness of various treatments. In the last decade, the health care field has been under the spell of evidence based medicine a social… … Wiktionary
German Network for Evidence Based Medicine — German Network for Evidence Based Medicine(DNEbM) Abbreviation DNEbM Formation 1998 (1998) … Wikipedia
evidence-based practice — the practice of health care in which the practitioner systematically finds, appraises, and uses the most current and valid research findings as the basis for clinical decisions. The term is sometimes used to denote evidence based medicine… … Medical dictionary
Evidence-based management — (EBMgt) is an emerging movement to explicitly use the current, best evidence in management decision making. Its roots are in evidence based medicine, a quality movement to apply the scientific method to medical practice. Evidence based management … Wikipedia
Evidence-Based Nursing — or EBN is a method of identifying solid research findings and implementing them in nursing practices to further increase the quality of patient care. Overview Evidenced based nursing/evidence based practice (EBN/EBP) is a nursing process that… … Wikipedia