
le·chu·gui·lla (la-choo-geґyə) [Sp. “little lettuce”] Agave lecheguilla.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • lechuguilla — (Del dim. de lechuga). 1. f. Lechuga silvestre. 2. Cabezón o puño de camisa muy grande y bien almidonado, y dispuesto por medio de moldes en forma de hojas de lechuga, usado durante los reinados de Felipe II y Felipe III …   Diccionario de la lengua española

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  • lechuguilla — s f 1 (Agave lechuguilla) Maguey o agave de la familia de las amarilidáceas, que alcanza de 50 a 70 cm de altura y tiene de 30 a 35 hojas o pencas con cierta concavidad en la base; las espinas de los márgenes son ganchudas como garras y la púa… …   Español en México

  • lechuguilla — ► sustantivo femenino 1 BOTÁNICA Lechuga silvestre o serrallón. 2 INDUMENTARIA Y MODA Cuello rizado y almidonado. 3 INDUMENTARIA Y MODA Tipo de puño de camisa almidonado y moldeado en forma de hojas de lechuga que se usó en el sigloxvi. * * *… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Lechuguilla-Höhle — Eine Kammer der Lechuguilla Höhle Lage: Carlsbad, New Mexico, USA Geographi …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Lechuguilla Cave — The Chandelier Ballroom in Lechuguilla Cave Lechuguilla Cave is, as of June 2011, the sixth longest cave (130.24 miles (210 km)) known to exist in the world, and the deepest in the continental United States (1,604 feet (489 m)), but it… …   Wikipedia

  • Lechuguilla Desert — The Lechuguilla Desert is a small desert located in southwestern Arizona near the U.S. Mexico border. It is considered to be part of the Lower Colorado Valley region of the Sonoran Desert. It lies in a north south direction between the Gila… …   Wikipedia

  • lechuguilla fever — noun also lechuguilla poisoning : a serious intoxication occurring in sheep and goats in the southwestern United States as a result of their feeding on a lechuguilla (Agave lecheguilla) and involving necrosis of the liver and kidney accompanied… …   Useful english dictionary

  • lechuguilla fever — a disease of sheep and goats in western Texas, marked by toxic encephalitis, nephritis, photosensitization, listlessness, icterus, and a yellow discharge from the eyes and nostrils; it is caused by eating the plant Agave lechuguilla. Popularly… …   Medical dictionary

  • lechuguilla poisoning — noun see lechuguilla fever …   Useful english dictionary

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