
Sir Frederick G., Canadian physician, 1891–1941, co-winner of the 1923 Nobel Prize for isolating insulin from the pancreas.

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ban·ting 'bant-iŋ n, often cap a method of dieting for obesity by avoiding sweets and carbohydrates
Banting William (1797-1878)
British undertaker and coffin maker. A well-known obese Londoner, Banting increased in weight as his years increased in number. Finally, when he was 66, his bodily size reached the point where it was almost literally unbearable. After trying various remedies, all fruitless, he consulted William Harvey, who devised for him a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet. The diet was a splendid success. Eager to spread the good word, Banting in 1863 published the pamphlet A Letter on Corpulence, in which he described the wonder diet. Soon „to bant” became a familiar phrase in British households, and banting immortalized a reduced man.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • BANTING (F. G.) — BANTING FREDERICK GRANT (1891 1941) Médecin canadien à qui l’on doit la découverte du rôle de l’insuline dans le traitement du diabète, sir Frederick Banting, né au Canada, fit ses études à l’université de Toronto. On connaissait déjà l’existence …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Banting — ist der Name folgender Personen: Frederick Banting (1891–1941), kanadischer Mediziner und Nobelpreisträger William Banting (1797–1878), englischer Autor Banting bezeichnet: Banting (Mondkrater), einen Mondkrater Banting (Malaysia), eine Stadt in… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Banting — system for weight loss through diet control, named for William Banting (1797 1878), English undertaker who invented it, tested it himself, and promoted it in his 1863 booklet Letter on Corpulence, Addressed to the Public. Although the word is a… …   Etymology dictionary

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  • Banting — Banting, sir Frederick Grant …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Banting — (sir Frederick Grant) (1891 1941) médecin canadien. Il découvrit l insuline, avec J. J. R. Macleod; tous deux reçurent le prix Nobel de médecine 1923 …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Banting —   [ bæntɪȖ], Sir (seit 1934) Frederick Grant, kanadischer Physiologe, * Alliston (Provinz Ontario) 14. 11. 1891, ✝ (Flugzeugabsturz) Musgrave Harbour (Provinz Newfoundland) 22. 2. 1941; war ab 1923 Professor in Toronto, entdeckte 1921 mit C. H.… …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • Banting — [ban′tiŋ] Sir Frederick Grant 1891 1941; Cdn. physiologist: co discoverer of insulin (1922) …   English World dictionary

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