amebic hepatitis
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hepatitis — Inflammation of the liver, due usually to viral infection but sometimes to toxic agents. [hepat + itis] Previously endemic throughout much of the developing world, viral h. now ranks as a major public health problem in industrialized nations. The … Medical dictionary
hepatitis — Synonyms and related words: African lethargy, Asiatic cholera, Chagres fever, German measles, Haverhill fever, acute articular rheumatism, adenoiditis, adrenitis, ague, alkali disease, amebiasis, amebic dysentery, anthrax, appendicitis, arteritis … Moby Thesaurus
hepatic amebiasis — 1. amebic hepatitis. 2. invasion of liver parenchyma by trophozoites of Entamoeba histolytica, leading to an amebic liver abscess. Called also amebic hepatitis … Medical dictionary
amodiaquine hydrochloride — An antimalarial drug, also used in the treatment of amebic hepatitis; large doses may result in sialorrhea, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, insomnia, palpitations, spasticity, and possibly convulsions. * * * [USP] the dihydrated dihydroch … Medical dictionary
Dysentery — ICD 10 A03.9, A06.0, A07.9 ICD 9 004 … Wikipedia
Список инфекционных заболеваний — человека Инфекционное заболевание Возбудитель Bacillus cereus Bacillus cereus Bacteroides Bacteroides Baylisascaris Baylisascaris Burkholderia обычно Burkholderia cepacia и другие виды Burkholderia Clostridium difficile Clostridium difficile… … Википедия
Meningoencephalitis — Classification and external resources ICD 10 G04 ICD 9 323.9 … Wikipedia
Entamoeba — A genus of ameba parasitic in the oral cavity, cecum, and large bowel of humans and other primates and in many domestic and wild mammals and birds; with the exception of E. histolytica, members of the genus appear to be relatively harmless… … Medical dictionary
disease — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Condition of ill health Nouns 1. disease, illness, sickness, ailment, ailing; morbidity, infirmity, ailment, indisposition; complaint, disorder, malady; functional disorder. 2. condition, affliction,… … English dictionary for students
meningitis — Synonyms and related words: African lethargy, Asiatic cholera, Chagres fever, German measles, Haverhill fever, acute articular rheumatism, adenoiditis, adrenitis, ague, alkali disease, amebiasis, amebic dysentery, anthrax, appendicitis, arteritis … Moby Thesaurus