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Hand-knitting — is a special case of knitting, in which the knitted fabric is produced by hand.Flat and circular knittingWeft knit fabrics can be divided into two types: those that have selvages (side edges) and those that are tubes, where the side edges have… … Wikipedia
flat — flat1 [flat] adj. flatter, flattest [ME < ON flatr, akin to OHG flaz < IE * plāt, plēt , wide, flat (> Gr platys, broad, OE flet, floor) < base * plā , broad] 1. having a smooth, level surface; having little or no depression or… … English World dictionary
Flat-coated Retriever — FCI Standard Nr.121 Patronat Großbritannien Klassifikation FCI Gruppe 8 Apportierhunde, Stöberhunde, Wasserhunde … Deutsch Wikipedia
Flat Coated Retriever — FCI Standard Nr. 121 Gruppe 8: A … Deutsch Wikipedia
Flat-Top Ride — La flat top ride est une cymbale de type ride, donc de diamètre élevé (généralement entre 18 et 22 pouces) et d un poids relativement important mais sur laquelle ne figure pas la cloche traditionnelle, au centre. La cymbale garde toutefois un… … Wikipédia en Français
flat|ter|y — «FLAT uhr ee», noun, plural ter|ies. 1. the act of flattering: »Be sure the salve of flattery soaps all you do or say (Eugene Field). 2. words of praise, usually untrue or exaggerated: »Some people use flattery to get favors. SYNONYM(S):… … Useful english dictionary
flat|work — «FLAT WURK», noun. household linens, such as sheets and napkins, that do not require hand ironing but can be ironed on a mangle … Useful english dictionary
hand tool — any tool or implement designed for manual operation. * * * Introduction any of the implements used by craftsmen in manual operations, such as chopping, chiseling, sawing, filing, or forging. Complementary tools, often needed as auxiliaries to… … Universalium
Flat Earth — For other uses, see Flat Earth (disambiguation). The Flammarion engraving (1888) depicts a traveller who arrives at the edge of a flat Earth and sticks his head through the firmament … Wikipedia
Flat tax — A flat tax (short for flat rate tax) is a tax system with a constant tax rate. [James, Simon (1998) A Dictionary of Taxation , Edgar Elgar Publishing Limited: Northampton, MA] Usually the term flat tax would refer to household income (and… … Wikipedia