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gustatism — The term gustatism comes from the Latin noun gustus (taste). It is used in *synaesthesia research to denote a hallucinated taste which is triggered by a sense perception in a different sensory modality. In accordance with the sensory modality… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
olfactism — The term olfactism comes from the Latin verb ol(e)facere (to smell). It is used in * synaesthesia research to denote a hallucinated odour which is triggered by a sense perception in a different sensory modality. In accordance with the sensory… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
phonism — The term phonism comes from the Greek noun phonème, which means voice or sound. It is used in * synaesthesia research to denote a hallucinated sound which is triggered by a sense perception in a different sensory modality. In accordance with… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
photism — The term photism comes from the Greek verb photizein, which means to give light, to illuminate. It is used in * synaesthesia research to denote a hallucinated colour sensation triggered by a sensory stimulus which affects a different sensory… … Dictionary of Hallucinations