
Antibody occurring in response to antigenic constituents of the host's tissue against self antigen, and which reacts with the inciting tissue component.
- antiidiotype a. SYN: idiotype a..antiidiotype antibody.
- cold a. an a. that reacts at temperatures below 37°C.
- Donath-Landsteiner cold a. an a. of the IgG class responsible for paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria; it is adsorbed to red cells only at temperatures of 20°C or lower, causing the red cells to lyse in the presence of complement at higher temperatures; it has a specificity within the blood group P; it is also occasionally present for short periods of time following measles and other infections, and formerly was frequently associated with syphilis. SYN: cold hemolysin.
- hemagglutinating cold a. a cold autoagglutinin.
- idiotype a. SYN: antiidiotype a..
- warm a. an a. that reacts optimally at 37°C.

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au·to·an·ti·body .ȯt-(.)ō-'ant-i-.bäd-ē n, pl -bod·ies an antibody active against a tissue constituent of the individual producing it

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an antibody formed against one of the body's own components in an autoimmune disease.

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au·to·an·ti·body (aw″to-anґtĭ-bod″e) an antibody formed in response to, and reacting against, a self antigen (i.e., one of the individual's own normal tissue constituents).

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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