- Morgagni globules
- round fragments of cells in the cortex of the lens; they are a sign of mature cataract.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Morgagni — Giovanni B., Italian anatomist and pathologist, 1682–1771. See morgagnian cyst, M. appendix, M. cartilage, M. caruncle, M. cataract, M. columns, under column, M. concha, M. crypts, under crypt, M. disease, M. foramen, M. foramen hernia, M. fossa … Medical dictionary
globule — 1. A small spherical body of any kind. 2. A fat droplet in milk. SYN: globulus. [L. globulus, dim. of globus, a ball] dentin g. calcospherites formed by calcification or mineralization of the dentin occurring in globular areas … Medical dictionary
sphere — A ball or globular body. [G. sphaira] attraction s. SYN: astrosphere. Morgagni spheres SYN: Morgagni globules, under globule. * * * (sfēr) [Gr. sphaira sphere] a three dimensional round body; called also globe. spherical adj … Medical dictionary
History of Medicine — History of Medicine † Catholic Encyclopedia ► History of Medicine The history of medical science, considered as a part of the general history of civilization, should logically begin in Mesopotamia, where tradition and philological… … Catholic encyclopedia