Atomism — (from ancient Greek atomos, meaning uncuttable ) is a natural philosophy that developed in several ancient traditions. The atomists theorized that the natural world consists of two fundamental parts: indivisible atoms and empty void. According to … Wikipedia
Atomism — • The system of those who hold that all bodies are composed of minute, indivisible particles of matter called atoms Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Atomism Atomism … Catholic encyclopedia
ATOMISM — ATOMISM, theory that physical bodies consist ultimately of minute, irreducible, and homogeneous particles called atoms (Greek atomos/atomon = indivisible). In medieval Arabic and Hebrew works atomism derives from Greek (Democritus, Epicurus) and… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
atomism — ATOMÍSM s.n. 1. Concepţie materialist mecanicistă care considera că materia este formată din atomi indivizibili. 2. Teoria ştiinţifică modernă a structurii şi proprietăţilor atomilor. 3. Cercetare ştiinţifică sau concepţie care reduce un ansamblu … Dicționar Român
Atomism — At om*ism, n. [Cf. F. atomisme.] The doctrine of atoms. See {Atomic philosophy}, under {Atomic}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
atomism — [at′əm iz΄əm] n. [ ATOM + ISM] Philos. a theory that the universe is made up of tiny, simple, indivisible particles that cannot be destroyed atomist n., adj … English World dictionary
atomism — atomist, n. atomistic, atomistical, adj. atomistically, adv. /at euh miz euhm/, n. 1. Also called atomic theory. Philos. the theory that minute, discrete, finite, and indivisible elements are the ultimate constituents of all matter. 2. Psychol. a … Universalium
Atomism — the theory that all the objects in the universe are composed of very small, indestructible elements. (This is the case for the Western [i.e., Greek] theories of atomism. Buddhists also have well developed theories of atomism, and which involve… … Mini philosophy glossary
atomism — A philosophical doctrine at least as old as Democritus, and plausibly viewed as an attempt to combine an a priori conviction of the unchangeable and immutable nature of the world with the variety and change of things as we know them. This is the… … Philosophy dictionary
atomism — A philosophical position which views the world as composed of discrete atomistic elements, and reduces knowledge to observation of the smallest indivisible elements, such as human beings but not social structures and social institutions. In… … Dictionary of sociology
atomism — n. theory of atoms. ♦ atomize, v.t. reduce to atoms or a fine spray; treat as individual units rather than as a whole. ♦ atomizer, n. pump like instrument producing fine spray. ♦ atomistic, a. of atoms or atomism; divided into units … Dictionary of difficult words