- atloaxoid
- SYN: atlantoaxial.
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at·lo·ax·oid (at″lo-akґsoid) pertaining to the atlas and the axis.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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at·lo·ax·oid (at″lo-akґsoid) pertaining to the atlas and the axis.Medical dictionary. 2011.
atloaxoid — adj. (Anatomy) of or pertaining to the first vertebra in the neck and the axis … English contemporary dictionary
Atlantoaxial — Pertaining to the first and second cervical vertebrae which meet at a joint called the atlantoaxial joint. The uppermost cervical vertebra (the atlas) rotates about the odontoid process of the second cervical vertebra (the axis). The joint… … Medical dictionary
Joint, atlas and axis — The joint between the atlas and axis bones. The atlas is the first cervical (neck) vertebra which is just under the head; it is named for Atlas, the Greek god who supported the world on his shoulders. The axis is the second cervical vertebra; it… … Medical dictionary
syndesmo-odontoid — syn·des·mo odon·toid (sin dez″mo o donґtoid) the posterior of the two atloaxoid articulations formed between the anterior surface of the transverse ligaments and the back of the odontoid process … Medical dictionary
atlo- — combining form Etymology: atlas : atlantal and atloaxoid … Useful english dictionary