- fasciculus gracilis medullae oblongatae
- [TA] the continuation into the medulla oblongata of the fasciculus gracilis of the spinal cord; called also posteromedian column of medulla oblongata.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
gracile fasciculus of medulla oblongata — f. gracilis medullae oblongatae … Medical dictionary
posteromedian column of medulla oblongata — fasciculus gracilis medullae oblongatae … Medical dictionary
Funiculus — Funi̱culus [aus lat. funiculus, Gen.: funiculiFuniculus= dünnes Seil, Strick] m; , ...li: kleiner Strang, Gewebestrang, insbes. Nervenstrang (Anat.). Funi̱culus ante̱rior: Vorderstrang der Rückenmarksstränge. Funi̱culus cunea̱|tus: = Fasciculus… … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
Nucleus — 1) In cell biology, the structure that houses the chromosomes. 2) In neuroanatomy, a group of nerve cells. * * * 1. In cytology, typically a rounded or oval mass of protoplasm within the cytoplasm of a plant or animal cell; it is surrounded by a… … Medical dictionary
Sulcus — From the Latin for a groove, furrow, or trench. In medicine, there are many sulci (plural of sulcus) as, for example, the superior pulmonary sulcus. * * * 1. [TA] One of the grooves or furrows on the surface of the brain, bounding the several… … Medical dictionary
ПРОДОЛГОВАТЫЙ МОЗГ — (син. medulla ob longata, s. bulbus medullae spinalis), самая нижняя часть головного мозга (myelencepb.a lon), очень сложная по своему строению и имеющая важное фнкц. значение: 1) служит про водником для волокон, соединяющих различ ные отделы… … Большая медицинская энциклопедия