
1. To stop, check, or restrain. 2. A stoppage; interference with, or checking of, the regular course of a disease, a symptom, or the performance of a function. 3. Inhibition of a developmental process, usually at the ultimate stage of development; premature a. may lead to a congenital abnormality. [O. Fr. arester, fr. LL. adresto, to stop behind]
- cardiac a. (CA) complete cessation of cardiac activity either electric, mechanical, or both; may be purposely induced for therapeutic reasons. SYN: heart a..
- cardioplegic a. temporary intentional stoppage of electrical and mechanical cardiac activity, usually by potassium-containing solutions, used to protect heart muscle by decreasing its metabolic demand during open-heart surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass.
- cardiopulmonary a. an a. resulting in absence of cardiac and pulmonary activity.
- circulatory a. 1. cessation of the circulation of blood as a result of ventricular standstill or fibrillation. 2. intentional cessation of circulation by temporarily stopping cardiopulmonary bypass flow during certain thoracic aortic operations; used with intentional profound total-body hypothermia to protect vital organs.
- deep hypothermic a. stoppage of electrical and mechanical cardiac activity that occurs when the heart is cooled.
- epiphysial a. early and premature fusion between epiphysis and diaphysis.
- heart a. SYN: cardiac a..
- a. of labor absence of progress of active labor (as defined by cervical dilation and descent of the presenting part) for 2 hr or longer.
- maturation a. cessation of complete differentiation of cells at an immature stage; in spermatogenic maturation a., the seminiferous tubules contain spermatocytes, but no spermatozoa develop.
- sinus a. cessation of sinus activity; the ventricles may continue to beat under ectopic atrial, A-V junctional, or idioventricular control. SEE ALSO: sinus standstill, atrial standstill.
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Amiodarone in Out-of-Hospital Resuscitation of Refractory Sustained Ventricular Tachyarrhythmia; Amsterdam Resuscitation Study

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ar·rest ə-'rest vt to bring to a standstill or state of inactivity <\arrested tuberculosis> <\arrested labor> vi to undergo cardiac arrest <the...patient has \arrested while being transported to surgery (Wayne Fields)>
ar·rest·ment n
arrest n the condition of being stopped <developmental \arrest> see CARDIAC ARREST compare CURE (1), REMISSION

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ar·rest (ə-restґ) stoppage; the act of stopping.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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