- Joule equivalent
- an expression of the relationship between mechanical energy and heat; numerically 4.186 joules = 1 calorie.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Joule's laws — are a pair of laws concerning the heat produced by a current and the energy dependence of an ideal gas to that of pressure, volume, and temperature, respectively. Joule s first law, also known as the Joule effect, is a physical law expressing the … Wikipedia
Joule's equivalent — Equivalent E*quiv a*lent ([ e]*kw[i^]v [.a]*lent), n. 1. Something equivalent; that which is equal in value, worth, weight, or force; as, to offer an equivalent for damage done. [1913 Webster] He owned that, if the Test Act were repealed, the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Equivalent — E*quiv a*lent ([ e]*kw[i^]v [.a]*lent), n. 1. Something equivalent; that which is equal in value, worth, weight, or force; as, to offer an equivalent for damage done. [1913 Webster] He owned that, if the Test Act were repealed, the Protestants… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Joule's equivalent — joule joule (j[=oo]l), n. [From the distinguished English physicist, James Prescott Joule (1818 1889).] (Physics.) A unit of work which is equal to 10^{7} ergs (the unit of work in the C. G. S. system of units), and is equivalent to one watt… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
JOULE (J. P.) — Joule compte parmi les plus importants fondateurs de la thermodynamique. Parvenu en 1843 à donner une formulation stricte du principe de la conservation de l’énergie, il entreprit de quantifier les relations entre chaleur et travail au moyen… … Encyclopédie Universelle
joule — (j[=oo]l), n. [From the distinguished English physicist, James Prescott Joule (1818 1889).] (Physics.) A unit of work which is equal to 10^{7} ergs (the unit of work in the C. G. S. system of units), and is equivalent to one watt second, the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
joule — [ ʒul ] n. m. • 1882; nom d un physicien ♦ Phys. Unité de mesure de travail, d énergie et de quantité de chaleur (symb. J), correspondant au travail d une force d un newton se déplaçant d un mètre dans la direction de la force. Une calorie vaut… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Joule heating — Joule heating, also known as ohmic heating and resistive heating, is the process by which the passage of an electric current through a conductor releases heat. It was first studied by James Prescott Joule in 1841. Joule immersed a length of wire… … Wikipedia
Joule's equivalent — n MECHANICAL EQUIVALENT OF HEAT … Medical dictionary
Joule [2] — Joule (spr. dschaul oder dschūl), James Prescott, Physiker, geb. 24. Dez. 1818 in Salford, gest. 11. Okt. 1889 in Sale, lebte als Brauer in Salford und war der experimentelle Begründer der mechanischen Wärmetheorie; in seiner 1843 erschienenen… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon