- endoconidiotoxicosis
- en·do·co·nid·io·tox·i·co·sis (en″do-ko-nĭd″e-o-tok″sĭ-koґsis) mycotoxicosis from ingestion of fungi of the genus Endoconidium; see darnel poisoning, under poisoning.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
darnel poisoning — a type of rye grass poisoning caused by ingestion of the seeds of darnel, Lolium temulentum, probably only when they are contaminated with a mold such as Endoconidium temulentum (see endoconidiotoxicosis); in humans this happens when moldy seeds… … Medical dictionary
rye grass poisoning — poisoning from the eating of rye grass (genus Lolium), usually when it is moldy, consisting of mycotoxicosis. Common types are darnel poisoning and rye grass staggers. See also endoconidiotoxicosis … Medical dictionary