Lead poisoning — Classification and external resources An X ray demonstrating the characteristic finding of lead poisoning, dense metaphyseal lines. ICD 10 T … Wikipedia
Encephalopathy — En*ceph a*lop a*thy, n. [Gr. egke falos the brain + pa schein, paqei^n, to suffer.] (Med.) Any disease or symptoms of disease referable to disorders of the brain; as, lead encephalopathy, the cerebral symptoms attending chronic lead poisoning.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
encephalopathy — Any disorder of the brain. SYN: cerebropathia, cerebropathy, encephalopathia, encephalosis. [encephalo + G. pathos, suffering] bilirubin e. SYN: kernicterus. Binswanger e. SYN: Binswanger disease … Medical dictionary
Lead poisoning — An environmental hazard capable of causing brain damage. In the US lead poisoning is formally defined as having at least 10 micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood. (The average level of lead, for people ages 1 to 70, is 2.3 micrograms.) The… … Medical dictionary
lead encephalitis — see under encephalopathy … Medical dictionary
hyponatremic encephalopathy — encephalopathy caused by influx of water into the brain in hyponatremia, with consequent swelling. Manifestations include lethargy, psychosis, and seizures. In severe cases, compression of the brainstem can result in pulmonary edema and… … Medical dictionary
saturnine encephalopathy — lead e … Medical dictionary
Hepatic encephalopathy — Classification and external resources Micrograph of Alzheimer type II astrocytes, as may be seen in hepatic encephalopathy. ICD 10 … Wikipedia
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathy — Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs, also known as prion diseases) are a group of progressive conditions that affect the brain and nervous system of animals. According to the most widespread hypothesis they are transmitted by prions,… … Wikipedia
Ethylmalonic encephalopathy — is a rare, autosomal recessive genetic disorder defined as an inborn error of metabolism. It affects several body systems, including the gastrointestinal system, circulatory system, and particularly the nervous system.cite journal… … Wikipedia