Diego blood group

Diego blood group
Di·e·go blood group (de-aґgo) [Diego, surname of the Venezuelan propositus first observed in 1955] see under blood group.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Diego blood group system —       classification of human blood according to the properties conferred by the presence of an antigen designated Di. There are 21 known Diego antigens; however, the determination of an individual s Diego blood type is based on the antigens… …   Universalium

  • Diego blood group — a blood group consisting of the erythrocytic antigens Dia and Dib, determined by allelic genes. Dia is most frequent in South American Indians, Japanese, and Chinese …   Medical dictionary

  • Diego blood group, Di blood group — See Blood Groups appendix …   Medical dictionary

  • blood group — Med. any of various classes into which human blood can be divided according to immunological compatibility, based on the presence or absence of specific antigens on red blood cells. Also called blood type. Cf. ABO system, Rh factor. [1915 20] * * …   Universalium

  • Blood group — An inherited feature on the surface of the red blood cells. A series of related blood types constitute a blood group system such as the Rh or the ABO system. The frequencies of the ABO and Rh blood types vary from population to population. In the …   Medical dictionary

  • ABO blood group system — ABO redirects here. For other uses, see ABO (disambiguation). H substance redirects here. For use in inflammation, see histamine. ABO blood group antigens present on red blood cells and IgM antibodies present in the serum The ABO blood group… …   Wikipedia

  • Rh blood group system — Rh redirects here. For Siddharta, see Rh (album). For the band, see The RH Factor. The Rh (Rhesus) blood group system (including the Rh factor) is one of the currently 30 human blood group systems. It is clinically the most important blood group… …   Wikipedia

  • Major human blood group systems — ▪ Table Major human blood group systems system date of discovery main antigens ABO 1901 A1, A2, B, H MNSs 1927 M, N, S, s P 1927 P1, P2 Rh 1940 D, C, c, E, e Lutheran 1945 Lua, Lub Kell 1946 K, k Lewis 1946 Lea, Leb Duffy 1950 Fya, Fyb Kidd 1951… …   Universalium

  • Diego antigen system — The Diego Antigen (or Blood Group) System comprises 21 rare blood factors, any of which is carried on the band 3 protein, coded for by the gene SLC4A1 (Solute carrier family 4, Anion exchanger, member 1), located on human chromosome 17. The band… …   Wikipedia

  • Blood type — (or blood group) is determined, in part, by the ABO blood group antigens present on red blood cells. A blood type (also called a blood group) is a classification of blood based on the presence or absence of inherited antigenic substances on the… …   Wikipedia

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