choleraic diarrhea
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Diarrhea — A familiar phenomenon with unusually frequent or unusually liquid bowel movements, excessive watery evacuations of fecal material. The opposite of constipation. The word “diarrhea” with its odd spelling is a near steal from the Greek “diarrhoia”… … Medical dictionary
cholera — choleraic /kol euh ray ik/, adj. /kol euhr euh/, n. 1. Also called Asiatic cholera. Pathol. an acute, infectious disease, endemic in India and China and occasionally epidemic elsewhere, characterized by profuse diarrhea, vomiting, cramps, etc. 2 … Universalium
Cholera — A devastating and sometimes lethal disease with intense vomiting and profuse watery diarrhea leading to dehydration which, unless immediately treated, may be fatal. Cholera was discovered in 1883 to be due to infection with Vibrio cholerae, a… … Medical dictionary
cholera — [käl′ər ə] n. [L, jaundice < Gr, cholera, nausea < cholē, gall bile < IE base * ĝhel > YELLOW] any of various intestinal diseases; specif., an acute, severe, infectious disease (Asiatic cholera) common in Asia, caused by bacteria (… … English World dictionary
Asiatic cholera — noun an acute intestinal infection caused by ingestion of contaminated water or food • Syn: ↑cholera, ↑Indian cholera, ↑epidemic cholera • Derivationally related forms: ↑choleraic (for: ↑cholera) … Useful english dictionary