- cystitis glandularis
- cystitis in which the mucosa contains mucin-secreting glands, seen most frequently in cases of exstrophy of bladder; it sometimes leads to malignant degeneration.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Cystitis glandularis — is a term describing a metaplastic transformation of mucosal cells lining the urinary bladder. The main importance is in histopathology, distinguishing the metaplastic change from urothelial cell carcinoma. It is a very common finding in bladder… … Wikipedia
Cystitis — ICD 10 N30 ICD 9 595 DiseasesDB 29445 … Wikipedia
Cystitis — Inflammation of the bladder. Cystitis can be due for example to infection from bacteria that ascend the urethra (the canal from the outside) to the bladder. Symptoms include a frequent need to urinate, often accompanied by a burning sensation. As … Medical dictionary
ЦИСТИТ — (cystitis), воспаление мочевого пузыря, возникает в результате проникновения в него инфекции. В отдельных случаях можно наблюдать небактерийные Ц., вызванные хим. раздражением слизистой мочевого пузыря мочой, очень концентрированной или… … Большая медицинская энциклопедия
Urinary bladder disease — ICD10|Q|64|1|q|60 ICD9 = ICD9|595 ICD9|596, ICD9|752.61 ICD9|752.62 ICDO = OMIM = MedlinePlus = eMedicineSubj = eMedicineTopic = MeshID = D001745 Urinary bladder disease can be congenital or acquired.Types* Cystitis cystica is a chronic cystitis… … Wikipedia
Pelvic lipomatosis — The rare disease pelvic lipomatosis is most often seen in older obese black men with hypertension. In pelvic lipomatosis, abnormally dense deposits of otherwise apparently normal fat may be observed in the spaces of the pelvic area. Associated… … Wikipedia
Cistitis — Histopatología de una cistitis glandular en una biopsia citoscópica. Tinción con hematoxilina eosina. Clasificación y recursos externos … Wikipedia Español
Urocystitis cystica — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 N30.8 Urocystitis cystica N28.8 Pyelitis cystica N28.8 Ureter … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cheilitis — Classification and external resources ICD 10 K13.0 (ILDS K13.090) ICD 9 528.5 … Wikipedia
Gingivitis — Classification and external resources Severe gingivitis before (top) and after (bottom) a thorough mechanical debridement of the teeth and adjacent gum tissues. ICD 10 … Wikipedia