
Absence of the iris; when congenital, a rudimentary iris root is usually present. About 60% of cases are inherited as autosomal dominant, although somewhat irregularly manifested. Cf.:irideremia. [G. an- priv. + irid- + -ia]

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an·irid·ia .an-.ī-'rid-ē-ə n congenital or traumatically induced absence or defect of the iris

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congenital absence of the iris (of the eye). This may be a hereditary condition, associated with macular dysplasia, sensory nystagmus, and congenital cataract. See also WAGR syndrome.

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an·irid·ia (an″ĭ-ridґe-ə) [an-1 + irid- + -ia] absence of the iris; a usually bilateral, hereditary anomaly that is rarely complete, a rudimentary stump usually being visible on gonioscopy.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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