
A postulated decrease in function of male gonads with increasing age, analogous to menopause.

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an·dro·pause 'an-drə-.pȯz n a gradual and highly variable decline in the production of androgenic hormones and esp. testosterone in the human male together with its associated effects that is held to occur during and after middle age but is often difficult to discriminate from the effects of confounding factors (as chronic illness, stress, or medication use) that can depress testosterone levels called also male climacteric, male menopause, viropause

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an·dro·pause (anґdro-pawz) [andro- + pause] a variable complex of symptoms, including a reduction in Leydig cell numbers and a decline in androgen production, occurring in men after middle age, purported to be analogous to menopause in women.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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