ethmoid cells
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ethmoid sinus — also ethmoidal sinus n either of two sinuses each of which is situated in a lateral part of the ethmoid bone alongside the nose and consists of ethmoidal air cells … Medical dictionary
Ethmoid sinus — Bone: Ethmoid sinus Paranasal sinuses … Wikipedia
Ethmoid bone — Bone: Ethmoid bone Cranial bones … Wikipedia
Ethmoid bulla — Infobox Anatomy Name = Ethmoid bulla Latin = bulla ethmoidalis GraySubject = 223 GrayPage = 995 Caption = Lateral wall of nasal cavity; the three nasal conchæ have been removed. (Bulla ethmoidalis is labeled at center top.) Caption2 = System =… … Wikipedia
Ethmoid bone — An irregularly shaped bone that provides the floor of the front part of the skull and the roof of the nose. The ethmoid bone consists of two masses of thin plates enclosing air cells and looks like a sieve. The word ethmoid comes from two Greek… … Medical dictionary
palatine cells — those parts of ethmoid cells that are extended into the palatine bone … Medical dictionary
Labyrinth of ethmoid — Infobox Bone Name = PAGENAME Latin = labyrinthus ethmoidalis GraySubject = 36 GrayPage = 154 Caption = Ethmoid bone from behind. Caption2 = Origins = Insertions = Articulations = MeshName = MeshNumber = DorlandsPre = l 01 DorlandsSuf = 12474317… … Wikipedia
Orbital lamina of ethmoid bone — Ethmoid bone from the right side. (Lamina papyracea visible at center left.) … Wikipedia
Mastoid cells — Coronal section of right temporal bone. (Mastoid cells labeled at bottom left.) Latin cellulae mastoideae Gray s … Wikipedia
Ossification of ethmoid — Bone: Ossification of ethmoid Sagittal section of skull. (Ethmoid bone visible as white structure to left.) Gray s subject … Wikipedia