male castration
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castration — [ kastrasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1380; lat. castratio 1 ♦ Opération par laquelle on prive un individu, mâle ou femelle, de la faculté de se reproduire. ⇒ stérilisation; châtrer. Castration radiologique, par irradiation des gonades. Castration par ablation… … Encyclopédie Universelle
CASTRATION (psychanalyse) — CASTRATION, psychanalyse Bien que la hantise de la castration ait laissé son empreinte sur la Traumdeutung (L’Interprétation des rêves ), la notion n’en a été dégagée par Freud qu’à une époque tardive, dans le contexte initial de l’homosexualité… … Encyclopédie Universelle
CASTRATION — CASTRATION, the removal of testes or ovaries. In the Hebrew Bible, the term saris, commonly rendered eunuch, occurs more than 40 times. As a rule, the saris designated a court official who, occasionally, even reached the high rank of military… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Male contraceptive — Male contraceptives include condoms, withdrawal (although medical professionals do not regard this as an effective method of contraception), and vasectomy.[1] In other animals, castration is commonly used for contraception. Other forms of male… … Wikipedia
Castration — The Castration of Uranus: fresco by Vasari Cristofano Gherardi (c. 1560, Sala di Cosimo I, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence). Not to be confused with Penectomy or Penis removal. Castration (also referred to as gelding, spa … Wikipedia
Castration — Giorgio Vasari, La Mutilation d Uranus par Saturne, XVIe siècle, Palazzo Vecchio (Florence) La castration est l ablation des organes reproducteurs de végétaux, d animaux ou d humains. Dans le cas de l homme, la castration est co … Wikipédia en Français
Castration — Removal of the sex glands, usually used to indicate removal of the male testicles. * * * 1. Removal of the testicles or ovaries. 2. See c. complex, castrate. functional c. gonadal atrophy produced by prolonged treatment with sex hormones. * * * n … Medical dictionary
castration — noun 1. neutering a male animal by removing the testicles • Syn: ↑emasculation • Derivationally related forms: ↑emasculate (for: ↑emasculation), ↑castrate • Hypernyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
castration — cas tra·tion || eɪʃn n. emasculation, sterilization, removal of the male glands … English contemporary dictionary
castration anxiety — anxiety felt by a male concerning loss of masculinity (psychoanalytical term developed by Sigmund Freud) … English contemporary dictionary