- cant of mandible
- the angle formed by the intersection of the mandibular (gonion-gnathion) plane with the sella-nasion or Frankfort plane.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Otoplasty — Otoplasty: the pre operative front aspect (left), and the post operative front aspect (right) of an infantile otopexy (ear pinback) correction to a girl. Otoplasty (Greek ōtoûs, ear + plassein, to shape) denotes the surgical and non surgical… … Wikipedia
Subluxation — For Chiropractic subluxation, see Vertebral subluxation. A subluxation may have different meanings, depending on the medical specialty involved. It implies the presence of an incomplete or partial dislocation (Latin: luxatio)[1] of a joint or… … Wikipedia