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amoeb — *a, o (G). Change … Dictionary of word roots and combining forms
Chitinozoan — Temporal range: 489–358 Ma … Wikipedia
Amoeba (mathematics) — p(z, w)=w 2z 1., [ right|thumb|The amoeba of p(z, w)=3z^2,+5zw+w^3+1., Notice the vacuole in the middle of the amoeba.] P(z, w)=1 + z,+ z^2 + z^3 + z^2w^3,+ 10zw + 12z^2w,+ 10z^2w^2., P(z, w)=50 z^3,+83 z^2 w+24 z w^2,+w^3+392 z^2,+414 z w+50 w^2 … Wikipedia
Amoebotaenia — A genus of small intestinal tapeworms of birds, seldom possessing more than 30 segments. A. cuneata (A. sphenoides) is a species common in domestic fowl; its cysticercoid is developed in earthworms. [amoeb + L. fr. G. tainia, band, tape, a… … Medical dictionary
amoeboid — /əˈmibɔɪd/ (say uh meeboyd) adjective 1. of or related to amoebae. 2. resembling or having the characteristics of amoebae. –noun 3. an amoeboid organism. Also, ameboid. {amoeb(a) + oid} Usage: For spelling variation see oe …