- amniography
- Radiography of the amniotic sac after the injection of radiopaque, water-soluble solution into the sac, which outlines the umbilical cord, the placenta, and the soft tissues of the fetal body; an obsolete technique. SEE ALSO: fetography. [amnio- + G. grapho, to write]
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am·ni·og·ra·phy .am-nē-'äg-rə-fē n, pl -phies radiographic visualization of the outlines of the uterine cavity, placenta, and fetus after injection of a radiopaque substance into the amnion* * *
am·ni·og·ra·phy (am″ne-ogґrə-fe) [amnio- + -graphy] radiography of the gravid uterus after injection of opaque media into the amniotic fluid, outlining the amniotic cavity and fetus.
Medical dictionary. 2011.