brachium colliculi superioris
- brachium colliculi superioris
- [TA] brachium of superior colliculus: fibers diverging from the optic tract, coursing medially in a shallow groove between the pulvinar and the medial geniculate body to enter the superior colliculus of the mesencephalon and pretectal area; conveying fibers from the retina and the optic radiation to the superior colliculus.
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Brachium of superior colliculus — Infobox Brain Name = PAGENAME Latin = brachium colliculi superioris GraySubject = 188 GrayPage = 805 Caption = 1. Taenia choroidea (and lateral: Lamina affixa, Stria terminalis) 2. Thalamus, Pulvinar thalami 3. Third ventricle 4. Stalk of pineal… … Wikipedia
brachium of superior colliculus — b. colliculi superioris … Medical dictionary
brachium — 1. SYN: arm (1). 2. An anatomic structure resembling an arm. [L. arm, prob. akin to G. brachion] b. colliculi inferioris [TA] SYN: b. of inferior colliculus. b. colliculi superioris [TA] SYN: commissure of superior colliculus. b. conjunctivum… … Medical dictionary
Мозговой ствол — Мозг: Мозговой ствол … Википедия
commissure — 1. Angle or corner of the eye, lips, or labia. 2. A bundle of nerve fibers passing from one side to the other in the brain or spinal cord. SYN: commissura [TA]. anterior c. [TA] a round bundle of … Medical dictionary
Головной мозг — (encephalon) (рис. 258) располагается в полости мозгового черепа. Средний вес мозга взрослого человека составляет примерно 1350 г. Он имеет овоидную форму из за выступающих лобных и затылочных полюсов. На наружной выпуклой верхнелатеральной… … Атлас анатомии человека
Nucleus — 1) In cell biology, the structure that houses the chromosomes. 2) In neuroanatomy, a group of nerve cells. * * * 1. In cytology, typically a rounded or oval mass of protoplasm within the cytoplasm of a plant or animal cell; it is surrounded by a… … Medical dictionary