- tooth bonding
- dental b.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Tooth bleaching — Intervention Teeth Whitening Kits for Home Use MeSH … Wikipedia
Tooth enamel — Labeled molar Latin enamelum Code TA … Wikipedia
bonding — noun 1. a close personal relationship that forms between people (as between husband and wife or parent and child) • Hypernyms: ↑personal relation, ↑personal relationship • Hyponyms: ↑female bonding, ↑male bonding, ↑maternal infant bonding 2 … Useful english dictionary
bonding — Formation of a close and enduring emotional attachment, such as between parent and child, lovers, or husband and wife. * * * bond·ing n 1) the formation of a close relationship (as between a mother and child or between a person and an animal) esp … Medical dictionary
bonding — /bon ding/, n. 1. Psychol., Animal Behav. a. a relationship that usually begins at the time of birth between a parent and offspring and that establishes the basis for an ongoing mutual attachment. b. the establishment of a pair bond. 2. a close… … Universalium
bonding — noun Date: 1969 1. the formation of a close relationship (as between a mother and child or between a person and an animal) especially through frequent or constant association 2. the attaching of a material (as porcelain) to a tooth surface… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Dental bonding — Intervention MeSH D001840 Adhesive dentistry is a branch of dentistry which mainly deals with adhesion or bonding of the adhesive material or cements to the natural substance of teeth, enamel and dentin … Wikipedia
dental bonding — the technique of fixing orthodontic brackets and other attachments directly to the enamel or dentin with orthodontic adhesives. Called also tooth b … Medical dictionary
Irwin Smigel — Dr. Irwin Smigel Occupation Doctor s Degree in Dental Surgery Known for Work In Dental Surgery Website www.smigel.com Dr. Irwin Smigel, DDS is an American Aesthetic Dentist and entrepreneur. Acknowledged as “one of t … Wikipedia
Adhesive Dentistry — is a branch of dentistry which mainly deals with adhesion or bonding of the adhesive material or cements to the natural substance of teeth, enamel and dentin. Tooth bonding techniques have various clinical applications including operative and… … Wikipedia