- residual body of Regaud
- an anucleate mass consisting of fine granules, lipid droplets, and degenerating organelles, cast off after the completion of regional differentiation of the tail during spermiogenesis.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Regaud residual body — Re·gaud residual body (rə goґ) [Claude Regaud, French radiologist, 1870–1940] see residual body of Regaud, under body … Medical dictionary
body — 1. The head, neck, trunk, and extremities. The human b., consisting of head (caput), neck (collum), trunk (truncus), and limbs (membra). 2. The material part of a human, as distinguished from the … Medical dictionary
Regaud — Claude, French radiologist, 1870–1940. See R. fixative, residual body of R … Medical dictionary
stain — 1. To discolor. 2. To color; to dye. 3. A discoloration. 4. A dye used in histologic and bacteriologic technique. 5. A procedure in which a dye or combination of dyes and reagents is used to color the constituents of cells and tissues. For… … Medical dictionary