- junctional escape beat
- atrioventricular junctional escape b.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Junctional escape beat — A junctional escape beat is a delayed heartbeat originating not from the atrium but from an ectopic focus somewhere in the AV junction. It occurs when the rate of depolarization of the SA node falls below the rate of the AV node. This dysrhythmia … Wikipedia
atrioventricular (AV) junctional escape beat — a depolarization initiated in the atrioventricular junction when one or more impulses from the sinus node are nonexistent or ineffective … Medical dictionary
atrioventricular junctional escape — the occurrence of one or more escape beats in which the atrioventricular node acts as the cardiac pacemaker; see also under beat and rhythm … Medical dictionary
atrioventricular (AV) junctional escape complex — see under beat … Medical dictionary
beat — 1. To strike; to throb or pulsate. 2. A stroke, impulse, or pulsation, as of the heart or pulse. 3. Activity of a cardiac chamber produced by catching a stimulus generated elsewhere in the … Medical dictionary
nodal beat — atrioventricular junctional escape b … Medical dictionary
bigeminy — Pairing; especially, the occurrence of heart beats in pairs. SYN: bigemini. [bi + L. geminus, twin] atrial b. pairing of atrial beats, as when an atrial extrasystole is coupled to each sinus beat. atrioventricular junctional b. paired beats, each … Medical dictionary
Cardiac dysrhythmia — Arrhythmia redirects here. It is not to be confused with Erythema. Cardiac dysrhythmia Classification and external resources Ventricular fibrillation (V Fib or VF) an example of cardiac arrhythmia. ICD … Wikipedia
rhythm — 1. Measured time or motion; the regular alternation of two or more different or opposite states. 2. SYN: r. method. 3. Regular or irregular occurrence of an electrical event in the electrocardiogram or electroencephalogram. SEE ALSO: wave. 4.… … Medical dictionary
Numbering aberrant rhythms — A rhythm strip demonstrating bigeminy Bigeminy (Latin: Bi Two Gemini twins) is a descriptor for a heart arrhythmia in which abnormal heart beats occur every other concurrent beat. A typical example is with bigeminal premature ventricular beats,… … Wikipedia