- cuprea bark
- the bark of Remijia pedunculata, which contains cupreine and has been used as an antimalarial.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
cuprea bark — ˈk(y)üprēə noun Etymology: American Spanish cuprea, any of several rubiaceous plants (including Remijia purdieana), from Late Latin, feminine of cupreus cupreous : the coppery red bark of either of two So. American trees (Remijia pedunculata and… … Useful english dictionary
cu|pre|a bark — «KYOO pree uh», the coppery red bark of a South American tree and certain related trees, one of the sources of quinine. ╂[< Latin cuprea, feminine of cupreus; see etym. under cupreous (Cf. ↑cupreous)] … Useful english dictionary
cupreine — ˈk(y)üprēˌēn, ēə̇n noun ( s) Etymology: cuprea (bark) + ine : a crystalline alkaloid C19H22N2O2 that occurs in cuprea bark and cinchona bark closely related to quinine … Useful english dictionary
cupreous — 1. noun A reddish brown color, like that of polished copper. 2. adjective a) Of or of the nature of copper. b) Containing copper. Syn: cuprous, auburn … Wiktionary
cupreine — cu·pre·ine k(y)ü prē .ēn, prē ən n a crystalline alkaloid C19H22N2O2 that occurs esp. in cinchona bark and is closely related to quinine * * * cu·pre·ine (kuґpre ēn) an alkaloid from cuprea bark that is related to cinchonidine and has… … Medical dictionary
copper — 1. noun /ˈkɔp.ə,ˈkɒp.ə,ˈkɑ.pɚ/ a) a reddish brown, malleable, ductile metallic element with high electrical and thermal conductivity, symbol Cu, and atomic number 29. Mum would heat the water in a … Wiktionary
Remijia — Re·mij·ia (re mijґe ə) a genus of shrubs of the family Rubiaceae. R. pedunculaґta Flueck. is a source of cuprea bark, which contains cinchona alkaloids … Medical dictionary
remijia — rə̇ˈmijēə noun Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from Remijo, 19th century surgeon + New Latin ia : a genus of tropical So. American shrubs and trees (family Rubiaceae) having leaves with large stipules and racemes of small white woolly… … Useful english dictionary
List of Eucalyptus species — This is an alphabetical list of 734 Eucalyptus species and 3 hybrids. Hybrids are listed under the letter x (e.g., Eucalyptus x bennettiae). Contents 1 List 1.1 A 1.2 B 1.3 C … Wikipedia
Woodway House — is in Teignmouth, South Devon, England. It was at one time a farm on lands held by the Bishops of Exeter. In around 1815 a thatched cottage in the cottage orne style of Horace Walpole s (1717 1797) Thames side villaEvans, Tony Green, Candida… … Wikipedia